GaspeeVirtual Archives
Failures Make History Too
by Jim Boren
link visited 10/1999
used with permission of the author
Oh, the Captain of the Gaspee
Was a valiant man of the world,
And he sailed full-rigged with courage
With the British flag unfurled.
Now he knew the seas and currents,
And he thought he knew the shoals,
But his chase of colonial smugglers
Brought an end to his ship's patrols.
As his full-rigged British cutter
--Hit Rhode Island's sandy shore,
The colonists swarmed aboard her,
And the captain screamed and swore.
But the Gaspee then was captured
And the torch put to her mast;
No more smugglers would she capture
As in days of her glorious past.
Oh, the Captain of the Gaspee
Was a failure, now disgraced,
But a place was his in history
Even though to his distaste.
For 'twas Sam Adams of Boston
Who took up his mighty pen,
And sent word to all committees
Of the Gaspee's fiery end.
But the Captain of the Gaspee
Had made history without fame,
And was known through all the seaboard
As old Captain What's-his-name.
As we read of deeds of long ago,
And of history's rendezvous,
Let us recall with fairness
That failures make history too.
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Originally Posted to Gaspee Virtual Archives 1999    Last Revised 04/2009    Boren.html