Gaspee Days CommitteeMembers of Distinction

Charter Members of the Gaspee Days Committee in 1965:
George E. C. Allen * Henry A. L. Brown
Mrs. William Belconis, Jr. Donald R. Conlon 
Manuel Cooney * Mary A. Duffy
John Florence * Connie Gagnon
Earl Gagnon Joseph Hackett
Lemuel Jackson * Arthur Johnson *
Hazel Kennedy * Jeanne Knowles
L. Hazard Knowles * Walter Kraus, Jr.
Richard A. Marshall Eugene J. McCaffrey
Marcylyn McKenna Forrest Morgan *
Mrs. Forrest Morgan * Mrs.Edith Paulson *
George Paulson * Marcelyn Perrier
Arlene Russell * William Rymell *
John E. Sahigian Willet Schaefer *
Forrest R. Sprague * Richard Sullivan
David L. Stackhouse * Lewis A Taft *
Kenneth Tombs Paul C. Toy, Jr.
Annie Totten * Maurice Turcotte
Willard Winchester * Mrs. Willard Winchester *
Edward Yatsko *   *Deceased
Compliled from the files of Arlene Russell, Secretary, 1965

Past Presidents of the Gaspee Days Committee:
Forrest Sprague *
Forrest Sprague *
L. Hazard Knowles *
Rene O. Bellevance *
Anthony Moretti *
Edward Yatsko*
Zack C. Terzian *
James A. Collinson, Sr.* 1975-1976
Richard Beneduce 1977-1978
Arthur R. Cole* 1979
Marguerite Dube * 1980-1981
W. Terrance Murphy 1982-1983
Milton Wrath 1984-1985
David Walker 1986-1987
Mark Russell 1988-1989
Jack Hutson 1990-1991
Michael McManus 1992-1993
Scott H. Avedisian 1994-1995
Patricia Peshka 1996-1997
Bernie Long 1997-1998
Karleen Wrath 1998-2000
Diane Longtin 2000-2002
Daniel Rooney 2002-2004
Elizabeth Fournier 2004-2006
Tina S. Bingham
Richard F. Hentz, Esq
Dr. John Concannon
Carol Deming
Erin Flynn
PastPrez Left: Gaspee Past Presidents at Installation Dinner, September 2002.  L to R:
  • Milton Wrath,
  • Jim Collinson*,
  • Diane Longtin,
  • Karleen Wrath,
  • Pat Peshka,
  • Scott Avedisian,
  • Bernie Long.

Recipients of the Abraham Whipple Award for
Distiguished Service to the Gaspee Days Committee

The Abraham Whipple Award celebrates members of the Gaspee Days Committee whose service
is recognized as being above and beyond the call of duty and in the spirit of Commodore Abraham Whipple
who was both the tactical leader of the raid on the Gaspee, and hailed a true hero of the American Revolution.

Nick* & Virginia Agresti Milton Wrath Donald* & Pat McLeod
Mark Russell Hazel Kennedy*
Jeanine Thompson*
John & Mary* Concannon Tina S. Bingham
Karleen Wrath

Karleen WrathOur latest recipient of the
Abraham Whipple Award is:
Karleen Wrath

Karleen Wrath, a 35 year veteran volunteer of the Gaspee Days Committee was excited to receive the honor for her years of service and commitment to her current position of recording secretary.  Her experience doing most of the jobs on the committee was a valuable asset.  She was someone the committee could always count on and she does a lot of things that are not always recognized as she does them quietly. 
Mrs. Wrath formerly held the position of committee President in the 1999-2000 parade years and has since continued to be a very active member. 

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