Gaspee![]() |
Island State
Archives Holdings re: The Gaspee
Affair from list supplied by State
Archivist March, 2001
This list is cross-referenced to page numbers as displayed in the 1990 republication of Documentary History of the Destruction of the Gaspee, by William R. Staples, Introduced and Supplemented by Richard M. Deasy, Rhode Island Publications Society et al., Providence, 1990. It should be noted that the 1990 edition of Staples' work included more items than are listed here. Corrected dates and names are those as displayed in the 1990 edition of Staples' work. C# and # list refer to line items as displayed on State archivist list. |
GASPEE PAPERS Table of Contents: C#00554 |
Gaspee item [corrected name] | Date [corrected date] |
# | Ref. Page in 1990 ed. Staples |
Documentary History of the Destruction of the Gaspee, by William R. Staples, Providence | 1845 | 1 | 1-102 |
Letter of John R. Bartlett, Secretary of State to the General Assembly in re the Gaspee Papers | March 7,1861 | 1 | -- |
Copies of two letters from Governor Joseph Wanton to the Commander of the Schooner Gaspee | March 22, 23, 1772 | 2 | 4-5 |
Letter of Capt. William Dudingston of the Schooner Gaspee to Governor Joseph Wanton | March 25, 1772 | 3 | 5 |
Letter of Admiral John Montagu to Governor Wanton | April 8 [6], 1772 | 4 | 6 |
Copy of a letter of Governor Wanton to Admiral Montagu | May 8, 1772 | 5 | 7 |
Letter of William Dudingston to Admiral Montagu | May 22, 1772 | 6 | 8-10 |
Copy of a letter Governor Wanton to
Lord Hillsborough. Approved by the General Assembly |
May 20, 1772
August 18, 1772 |
7 | 10-12 |
Examination of John Johnson & William Caple taken in re the burning of the Schooner Gaspee | June 10, 1772 | 7 | 19 |
Examination of Bartholomew Cheever, in re the same | June 10, 1772 | 8 | 18 |
Letter of Darius Sessions | June 11, 1772 | 9 | 17-18 |
Letter of Admiral Montagu to Governor Wanton, Boston | June 11, 1772 | 10 | 21 |
Statement of Midshipman William Dickinson in re Gaspee | June 11, 1772 | 11 | 22-24 |
Proclamation of £100 reward for arrests in re the Gaspee affair by Governor Wanton | June 12, 1772 | 12 | 21 |
Copy of a letter Governor Wanton to Admiral Montagu, | June 12, 1772 | 13 | 24-25 |
Letter from William Dudingston, Pawtuxet | June 12, 1772 | 14 | 25-27 |
Letter of Darius Sessions to Governor Wanton | June 12, 1772 | 15 | 20 |
Letter of Admiral Montagu to Governor Wanton | June 15, 1772 | 16 | 27 |
Copy of a letter of Governor Wanton to Lord Hillsborough | June 16, 1772 | 17 | 27-30 |
Letter of Admiral Montagu to Governor Wanton | July 8, 1772 | 18 | 30-31 |
Copy of Samuel Thurston's deposition, | July 10, 1772 | 19 | 32 |
Deposition of Samuel Thurston in re negro Aaron | July 10, 1772 | 20 | 32 |
Warrant issued for the appearance of Samuel Tompkins | 21 | -- | |
Copy of Deposition of Samuel Tompkins | July 11, 1772 | 22 | -- |
Deposition of Somerset and Jack (Negroes) | July 11, 1772 | 23 | 33 |
Deposition of Samuel Tompkins in re Aaron (Negro) | July 11, 1772 | 24 | 32 |
Letter of Governor Wanton to John Linzee of the H.M.S. Beaver | July 16[15], 1772 | 25 | 34-35 |
Copy of above letter | July 16[15], 1772 | 26 | 34-35 |
Deposition of Aaron (Mulatto boy) | 27 | -- | |
Deposition of Patrick Earls [Earles] | July 16, 1772 | 28 | 33 |
Warrant for arrest of Aaron Briggs (alias) | July 16,1772 | 29 | 115-116 |
Letter of William Dudingston | July, 1772 | 30 | 35 |
Orders from Governor Wanton for payment of Sheriff and deputies | July 20, 21, 1772 | 31 | -- |
Copy of a letter from Governor to Admiral Montagu | July 22, 1772 | 31 | 35-36 |
Message of Governor Wanton to the General Assembly | Aug. 10 [18], 1772 | 32 | 118-119 |
King's Proclamation in re the burning of the Schooner Gaspee,(C# 00220 Misc Docs Folder1) | August 26, 1772 | 37-38 | |
Letter of Admiral Montagu to Governor Wanton | September 1, 1772 | 34 | 36-37 |
Orders and Instructions from King George to the Gaspee Commissioners | September 4, 1772 | 35 | 40-42 |
Abjuration signed by the Commissioner | September 2, 1772 | 36,
37, 38 |
38-40 |
Letter of Robert Auchmuty to Governor Wanton, | December 11, 1772 | 39 | 44 |
Letter from Admiral Montagu to Governor Wanton, | December 11, 1772 | 40 | 42-43 |
Copies of sundry letters from Governor Wanton to Admiral Montagu and the Commissioners | December 14, 1772 - January 4, 1773 | 41 | 43-46 |
Letter of Admiral Montagu to Governor Wanton | December 28, 1772 | 42 | 45 |
Letter of Admiral Montagu to Governor Wanton | January 2, 1773 | 43 | 46-47 |
Letter from Commissioners to Admiral Montagu | January 5, 1773 | 44 | 50-51 |
Proceedings of Commission, | January 5, 6, 1773 | 45,
46 |
47-48 |
Copy of notice to be inserted in the Newport Mercury | 47 | -- | |
Proceedings of Commission | January 7, 1773 | 48 | 48-49 |
Proceedings of Commission | January.8, 1773 | 49 | 49-50 |
Proceedings of Commission | January 9, 1773 | 50 | 50 |
Proceedings of Commission | January 12, 15, 14, 1773 | 51 | 97 |
Proceedings of Commission | January 16, 18, 1773 | 52 | 98 |
Proceedings of Commission | January 19, 20, 21, 1773 | 53 | 99 |
Proceedings of Commission | January 22, 1773 | 54 | 99-100 |
Proceedings of Commission | May 26, 1773 | 55 | -- |
Letter of Admiral Montagu to Commissioners | January 8, 1773 | 56 | 51-52 |
Deposition of James Brenton | January 8, 1773 | 57 | 55-57 |
Deposition of Darius Sessions | January 9, 1773 | 58 | 57-59 |
Warrant for appearance of Stephen Gulley, mariner, H.M.S. Mercury | 59,
60 |
-- | |
Letter of Metcalf Bowler to Commissioners | [January 11, 1773] | 61 | 59 |
Deposition of Stephen Gulley | January 12, 1773 | 62 | 60-61 |
Warrant for appearance of Joseph Borden | [January 12, 1773] | 63 | -- |
Deposition of Joseph Borden | January 15, 1773 | 64 | 62-63 |
Warrant for appearance of Aaron (Mulatto boy) | [January, 1773] | 65 | -- |
Letter of Admiral Montagu to Commissioners | January 14, 1773 | 66 | 52 |
Deposition of Aaron (Mulatto boy) | January 14, 1773 | 67 | 63-66 |
Deposition of Rufus Greene | January 14, 1773 | 68 | 67 |
Letter of Darius Sessions to Governor Wanton | January 15, 1773 | 69 | 77 |
Deposition of William Thayer | January 15, 1773 | 70 | 78-79 |
Letter of Admiral Montagu to Commissioners | January 16, 1773 | 71 | 52-53 |
Copy of letter of Commissioners to Admiral Montagu | January 16, 1773 | 72 | 53-54 |
Copy of letter of Commissioners to Admiral Montagu | January 16, 1773 | 73 | 54 |
Deposition of Patrick Earls [Earle] | January 16, 1773 | 74 | 68 |
Deposition of Daniel Vaughn [Vaughan] | January 18 [16], 1773 | 75 | 79 |
Letters from Darius Sessions to Governor Wanton | January 18, 1773 | 76 | 79-81 |
Receipt of Samuel Clarke [Clark] | January 18, 1773 | 77 | -- |
Account of Samuel Clarke [Clark] | [c January 18, 1773] | 78 | -- |
Letter of Admiral Montagu to Commissioners | January 18, 1773 | 79 | |
List of suspects sent by Admiral Montagu | [c January 16, 1773] | 80 | 31, 52 (?) |
Letter from Arthur Fenner to Governor Wanton | January 19, 1773 | 81 | 69 |
Deposition of Peter May | January 19, 1773 | 82 | 76 |
Examination of Robert Masters | January 19, 1773 | 83 | -- |
Letter of Commissioners to Admiral Montagu | January 19, 1773 | 84 | 54-55 |
Letter of James Sabin to Commissioners | January 19, 1773 | 85 | 70 |
Letter of Admiral Montagu to Commissioners | January 19, 1773 | 86 | 54 |
Letter of Daniel Hitchcock to Commissioners | January 26, 1773 | 87 | 72 |
Letter of John Cole to Commissioners | January 20, 1773 | 88 | 71 |
Letter of George Brown to Commissioners | January 20, 1773 | 89 | 70-71 |
Letter of John Andrews to Commissioners | January 20, 1773 | 90 | 72-73 |
Letter of Commissioners to Lord Hillsborough(?) | January 21, 1773 | 91 | 81-83 |
Deposition of Samuel Clarke [Clark] | January 21, 1773 | 92 | -- |
Deposition of Governor Wanton | January 21, 1773 | 93 | 73-75 |
Deposition of Samuel Clarkes [Clark] | January 22, 1773 | 94 | -- |
Instructions from Lords of the Admiralty to Admiral Montagu | March 26, 1773 | 95 | 83-84 |
Letter of Admiral Montagu to Commissioners | May 24, 1773 | 96 | 84 |
Capt. Keeler of H.M.S. Mercury to Commissioners | May 27, 1773 | 97 | 85 |
Letter of Commissioners to Capt. Robert Keeler | May 27, 31, 1773 | 98 | 85 |
Deposition of Bartholomew Cheever | June 1, 1773 | 99 | 88 |
Deposition of William Dickinson | June 1, 1773 | 100 | 86-88 |
Letter of Commissioners to Admiral Montagu | June 21 [2], 1773 | 101 | 86 |
Deposition of John Cole | June 3, 1773 | 102 | 89 |
Deposition of John Andrews | June 5, 1773 | 103 | 90 |
Deposition of George Brown | June 5, 1773 | 104 | 91-92 |
Deposition of William Mumford, Jr. | June 5, 1773 | 105 | -- |
Deposition of James Helme | June 4, 1773 | 106 | 91 |
Copies of letters of Commissioners to Stephen Hopkins, Metcalf Bowler, Darius Sessions | June 7, 1773 | 107 | -- |
Opinion of the Justices of the Superior Court | June 11, 1773 | 108 | 94-95 |
Deposition of Samuel Faulkner | June 11, 1773 | 109 | 92-93 |
Deposition of Darius Sessions | June 12, 1773 | 110 | 93-94 |
Copy of letter of Commissioners to Justices | June 12, 1773 | 111 | 95 |
Letter of Admiral Montagu to Commissioners | June 14, 1773 | 112 | 86 |
Opinion of Chief Justice Smyth of New Jersey | June 21, 22, 1773 | 113 | 96 |
Letter of Commissioners to Lord |
June 22, 1773 | 114 | 102 |
2 copies of the Report of the Commissioners to the King | June 22, 1773 | 115 | 102-107 |
Letter of Frederick Smyth [Smythe] to Commissioners | June 23, 1773 | 116 | 96 |
Copies of 3 letters of Daniel Horsmanden one of the Commissioners. Copied from New York Papers in the British State Paper Office | February 20,
1773, July 23, 1773, April 19, 1777 |
117 | 120-124, 125-126, 126-127 |
Preston Collection C# 00858 box 5/folder 130(a)/item 4: Photo of Sabin's Tavern | c1870 | See Sabin Tavern | |
Gaspee Commission box C# 00630 | 1772 | Go to story of box |