Days Committee![]() |
Days in
1875 as presented in the Providence
Evening Press and
the Providence
Daily Journal Two
days previous to the publication of these two articles below, on June
10th, 1875, which was the 103rd anniversary of
the Burning of the Gaspee, it
is notable that the Providence Daily
Journal also ran a lengthy
retelling of the Gaspee Affair.
The article was written by John Russell Bartlett and is largely based
on his 1861 work, History of the
Destruction of His
Britannic Majesty's
Schooner Gaspee.
It is interesting to ponder on just why this celebration took place in 1875 rather than in 1872 at the 100th anniversary of the Gaspee attack. A clue may come from the Chicago Tribune of Friday, April 23, 1875, Page 4, Column 5: If "Little Rhody"
had not unfortunately forgotten all about the matter, she would have
certainly celebrated a Gaspee centennial three years ago.
Evening Press SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 12, 1876. THE GASPEE ANNIVERSARY. The spot selected was the grove and open field around the little cove which makes in from the pond just above the ice houses, and a more charming location could not be found, in the State. It was generally remarked that few people were aware of the existence of so attractive a retreat within so short a distance of the centre of the city. Tents were pitched very much at random about the grounds wherever convenience dictated. The cafe tent was situated a short distance from the entrance, and contained numerous refreshment tables under the charge of delegates from the different wards in the city. In the centre of this tent was a confectionery table, elaborately adorned with bunting, Chinese lanterns, flowers, etc. The ladies having supervision of the tables were relieved every three hours, and fresh substitutes were provided. Refreshments were also dispensed at other tents about the grounds. The Eighth Ward Committee, Mrs. J. H. Kendrick, chairman, had charge of the fruit tent, winch was handsomely decorated. The Second Ward Committee, Mrs. Caroline Richmond, chairman, managed the ice cream tent. This tent was crowded with visitors, and the attendants were busily engaged during the day and evening in supplying customers. The Fifth Ward was a grand affair and was under the management of Mrs. James C. Bucklin, assisted by an able corps of young ladies. The table was ornamented with a bower of wild flowers, and there were also some twenty handsome bouquets presented by the pupils of the Point Street Grammar School. Besides, there was a very pretty lemonade well and a Goddess of Liberty table. At this table Gaspee souvenirs were sold, and found a large number of purchasers. The special tables of the Sixth Ward and the Ninth Ward, were managed respectively by Mrs. Lewis T. Downs and Mrs. Clifton A. Hall. The candy table was in charge of the Fourth Ward Committee, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Andrews, chairman; the Third Ward Committee, Mrs. Albert G. Durfee, chairman, had charge of the goat carriages; the Seventh Ward Committee, Miss Minnie S. Knight, chairman, had the management of the swings, and the Tenth Ward Committee, Mrs. Metcalf, chairman, sent a very large contribution of milk and cream, while the ladies from that ward, as, in fact, from all the wards rendered efficient assistance in attending the tables, etc. A noticeable and commendable feature was the perfect unanimity and zeal with which the ladies worked, not deigning to recognize ward lines, or the east and west side of the river. The East Greenwich delegation, Mrs. T. W. Chace, chairman, had
in the rear of the cafe tent, where young ladies were engaged in
in the style of one hundred years ago. THE ATTENDANCE THE FIRST LIGHT INFANTRY. THE REGATTA. The second race was for single scull wherries, one mile, and was entered by F. Gladding and J. Jones, using the lapstreaks known in the club as "the sisters." Gladding had the best of the start and held his advantage to the close. The steering of both was even worse than their predecessors, and they must have rowed considerably more than a mile each. Gladding won in 9:25 to Junes' 9.57.5. Both were almost on a level as to style, but the winner excelled in staying power. The chief interest of the day centered on the three mile race for two six and one four oared shell. The course being a half-mile, this made five turns necessary, and so gave a fair test of the ability of each crew to handle its boat as well as to pull it. Charles M. Smith, Captain of the Club, commanded the "Henry T. Cornett," H. Knight, the "L'Esperance" and E. F. Tourtellot, the "Arthur F. Dexter," four-oared. Tlie "Cornett" being lighter and having sliding seats, allowed the "L'Esperance" 30 seconds, and the "L'Esperance" allowed 30 seconds to the "Dexter" for the two extra oars, thus giving the "Dexter" a lead of a full minute ahead of the "Cornett." The boats were started in that order, and each went away on a jump. The four-oared boat threw a great deal of unnecessary spray and wasted half its lead by an astonishing detour to the westward. The L'Esperance was well rowed forward and aft, but the waist men will bear more coaching. Her course was something better than that of the four-oar, but not so good as another year's practice will be likely to make it. The stroke of the "Cornett" crew, (the representative Narragansett six, by the way,) was very good. With the exception of the style of No. 3, who depends too much on his arms, there was no conspicuous flaw in the work and the appearance of the six was generally complimented. Long experience enabled Capt. Smith to lay a much better course than the other two boats had taken, and the race seemed his from the beginning. He was first at the home stake at the end of the first mile in 7:03, and also at the end of the second mile in 15 minutes, the "L'Esperance" being half a minute behind. At the end of the third mile the "L'Esperance" crossed the line first in 25:41.25, the "Cornett" being second in 25:48.5 and the "Dexter" third in 26:59.5 These figures represent tlie time from giving the start to the first boat and the deduction of the time allowance leaves for the "L'Esperance" the actual time 25:11.25 and "Cornett" 24:48.5. The whole regatta, therefore, resulted as by following SUMMARY. Race for single scull shells, mile and return, bronze medal and silver cup to winner, silver medal to second.
Race for single scull wherries, half mile and return, silver medal to winner.
Race for six and four-oared shells, mile and a half and return. Six gilt medals and set of colors to winners, six small gilt medals to second crew.
Referee, Col. C. D. Jillson; starter and judge, Mr. O. M. Remington; time-keeper, Mr. W. H. Fredericks. THE EVENING CELEBRATION. The Gaspee was run aground about midway in the pond, so that all had a good view of the burning. The cremation was under the direction of Mr. W. Wightman, and a few minutes before nine o'clock he applied the torch to the vessel, and "Lo! from the assembled crowd, Arose a shout prolonged and loud,"while the strains of the band rose high o'er the din and clamor. The fire burned slowly, at first, but being fanned by the breeze into a lively blaze, it communicated to all parts of the boat. The tar barrels aboard blazed up furiously, sky rockets shot high in the air, the red and green fires burned brilliantly, the vast assembly became enthusiastic, and tumultuous cheers were echoed along the shores of Mashapaug. Surrounding objects were made conspicuous by the illumination, and the scene enabled the concourse to form a vivid conception of that other memorable scene, so worthily commemorated yesterday by the ladies of our city. Soon the craft was burned to the water's edge, and as the ensign of "Perfidious Albion" sank beneath tho waters when the boat capsized, patriotic cheers uprose from the multitude lining both banks of the pond. The assembly then slowly dispersed, the steam and horse cars being heavily freighted with those returning to their homes after the experience of the day. THE DAY'S SUCCESS.. The ladies gratefully acknowledge tlic kindness of the city officials for the use of flags and causing the flags raising on the city flag staffs; to the Worcester Railroad Company for the use of locomotive head lights for lighting up the grounds; to the Stonington Railroad for running extra trains and for placing guards at the crossing to prevent accidents; to the Highway Department for gratuitous services; to the gentlemen who kindly volunteered their services as marshals; to Messrs C. A. Hall, G. M. Ardoene, Greene, Eaton, H.A. Joslin, J. Harry Welch, to the Police Department under command of Deputy Chief Ayer, and to others who assisted in the festival. The Chief Marshal of the day was Mr. S. F. Brownell, who had as assistants Messrs. G. E. Boynton, R. Gammell, A. T. Carrington, Theodore King, William Daboll, W. Cushing, C. Mauran, W. Wightman, J. Goodwin, J. Davis, A. C. Barstow,.Jr., W. G. Nightingale, J. C. B. Woods, H. V. A. Joslin and R. C. Brown. ACCIDENTS AND INCIDENTS. Officer Howes was kicked in the ribs and severely hurt by Deputy Chief Ayer's horse, which he was holding. The horse took fright and plunged and kicked and broke the bridle. Officer Howes was conveyed home in a carriage. A large model of the Gaspee, manufactured in Boston, was disposed of on shares at the Fifth Ward table» and was awarded to Mrs. Charles E. Carpenter. An unusually large number of souvenirs were sold at this table during the day. Mrs. J. C. Bucklin, chairman of the Fifth Ward Committee, was made the recipient of a handsome souvenir by the ladies of the ward. It bore an appropriate inscription and was withal a pretty testimoial and worthily bestowed. In the East Greenwich tent was shown a puzzle made by a prisoner on the Gaspee. He had been promised his liberty on condition of his devising a puzzle which none on board could solve. It is not known that he succeeded in obtaining freedom in this way, but the puzzle seems to be an ingenious contrivance. The flax used to illustrate the operation of spinning in "ye olden tyme" was grown on the farm of Paul Weaver in 1811. The names of heroes prominent in the revolutionary war were conspicuously displayed on shields decorating the several tents. The arrangements for taking visitors to and from the grove were excellent. At an early hour in the forenoon the Elmwood horse cars began to convey pleasure seekers to the scene, and the trains on the Stonington railroad also carried a large number thither, the conveyance from the railroad station to the grove being by teams. The crowd of visitors was unusually large, and sauntered about the grounds finding additional pleasure in each object of interest. |
Providence Daily Journal June 12, 1875 Providence and Vicinity --------------------- The Gaspee Festival --------------------- One of June's Perfect Days --------------------- The Centennial Ladies Jubilant Unbounded Success --------------------- Mashapaug Grove in Holyday Attire --------------------- Immense Crowds in Attendance --------------------- The grounds of Mashapaug Grove were filled with tents whose flowery descriptions are too lengthy to be contained here — so impressed was the news man of the day. Goat Carriages, swings, and teeters gave the younger patriots full enjoyment. Herrick's Brigade Band filled the air with music. There was a famed Clam Bake managed by John Slocum. The Military dress parade proved quite an attraction to the assemblage; and the afternoon Regatta passed off smoothly with winners taking silver cup, and bronze or silver medallions. It is interesting to ponder on just why this celebration took place in 1875 rather than in 1872 at the 100th anniversary of the Gaspee attack. A clue may come from the Chicago Tribune of Friday, April 23, 1875, Page 4, Column 5: If "Little Rhody" had not unfortunately forgotten all about the matter, she would have certainly celebarted a Gaspee centennial three years ago. ....... (Toward the close of the day, the news account continues:) ....... The Destruction of the Gaspee In the evening the grove was brilliantly lighted with Chinese lanterns and locomotive head lights, making an ever-changing scene long to be remembered. Soon after 8 o'clock a signal-rocket called the vast assemblage to the shores of the pond to witness the event of the day, the burning of H.R.M. schooner Gaspee. The ill-fated schooner fully rigged and proudly flying the British flags that had been placed in position (supposed to have run aground) about half-way between the two shores of the pond, where thousands of people could easily see all that was going on. Not only one, but dozens of "long boats" put out from the shore, only one of which, however, was on business, the rest containing parties of pleasure, who thus had an excellent opportunity to see. while enjoying the pleasures of an evening sail. In due time the match was applied and the long boat left. Now there was enthusiasm of the in-tensest kind. There were universal shouting and clapping of hands, though the demonstration was not of the noisy sort. As the flames spread along the hull and up the rigging the band lent its aid to the enthusiasm by pouring forth national airs, while sky rockets and other fireworks helped illuminate the scene. The flames lit up the shores bringing the multitudes on either side into full view making one wish he, too, were in a boat, that he might see both sides at once. It was a sight well worth seeing. When the Union Jack went out in blaze, there was another outburst of patriotic joy. After burning a quarter of an hour or so, the masts and rigging fell over the side, nothing was left but the hull, still burning fiercely, and the crowds began to disperse. A few moments more, and the 'Gaspee had again been burned in Rhode Island waters.' |
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